iKnow English First Additional Language Grade 5 Book 1 (91p) The book is available in 3 formats:
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English FAL Grade 5 is divided into 4 books to cover the topics as set in CAPS. Each book is divided into 2 sections:
We focus on foundations first:
Parts of Speech: Verbs
Parts of Speech: Nouns
Parts of Speech: Pronouns
Writing skills: Paragraph
Writing skills: Advert
Writing skills: News report
Reading: Story line & characters
Poetry: Stanzas, lines & rhyme
There is a topic for every week in each section.
E-mail us to order the assessments that is based on the topics in these books. assess@iknowthat.co.za
PLEASE NOTE: You need to purchase the reader:
Judy Moody M.D. The doctor is in.